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66°North isn’t afraid of the cold; the Icelandic label takes its name from the latitudinal line where the Arctic Circle meets Súgandafjörður, where 66°North was established by Hans Kristjánsson way back in 1926. The label was originally founded to create protective clothing for fishermen in the Westfjords braving the North Atlantic. END.’s collection of men’s 66° North outdoor gear is perfect for tackling wild wintery conditions - or the city streets.
Our collection of 66°North men's clothing hails from the frozen North, embodying Icelandic values of resilience, harmony with nature and long lasting design. 66°North jackets for men are just as at home among skyscrapers as they are in the shadow of a glacier. Nail the gorpcore look while cycling, hiking, kayaking, skiing, or just living it up at a festival, in a 66˚North's men’s Snæfell shell jacket. This jack(et) of all trades is a versatile icon, crafted with innovative Polartec NeoShell fabric.
Layer one of our men’s 66°North fleece jackets under one of the brand’s waterproof shells for the ultimate cold weather ‘fit. Check out END.’s 66°North outdoor gear for headliners like the Tindur shearling fleece, which is designed for freedom of movement in extreme cold. Or, layer up in an insulated men’s gilet, like 66°North’s Dyngja vest, to inject some Y2K vibes into your outerwear rotation.
From our 66°North men's clothing, you can expect tech-forward outerwear that’s ‘made for life’, meaning it’s versatile enough to wear for a range of activities but durable enough to withstand challenging conditions - a match made in heaven, or should we say Iceland?