Salomon transforms sports performance with the brand’s vast collection of outdoor gear. You’ll notice a passion to embrace the outdoors across this men’s Salomon sale range. The brand is famous for its hiking and trail running shoes, as well as snowboard and ski gear. Salomon develops its clothing and footwear to tackle tough terrains. From running up mountains in specialist hiking books to gliding back down them on a snowboard - Salomon makes it possible.

Founded by François Salmon, the company has crafted extreme outdoor sports gear since 1947. The founder’s son and Annecy native Georges Salomon pushed the business forward, having an interest in skiing and the way it was developing around his local area. Salomon has gone from strength to strength, launching its first ski boot in 1979, its first ski in 1990, a range of hiking boots in 1992 and snowboards in 1997. Today, the brand is a legend in outdoor sportswear, hailed for high-quality designs. Salomon hiking boots are globally recognised as some of the best. Today, Salomon winter sports gear and clothing appear on mountains around the world.

Drop down a few altitudes and you’ll also find people covered in Salomon apparel in city centres. This sportswear master has recently also found a place in the streetwear scene, bringing Gorpcore to everyday street style. XT-6 sneakers pair just as well with everyday looks as they do with sports gear. Weatherproof jackets will keep you stylishly protected in extreme conditions. This Salomon sale UK range brings iconic looks whatever challenge you’re tackling.


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31 products
Salomon XT-6 - Living Coral, Black & Cement
Salomon XT-6 - Living Coral, Black & Cement
Salomon XT-6Living Coral, Black & Cement
$185 $111
40% off
Salomon Rx Slide 3.0 - Feather Gray, Iron & Liberty
Salomon Rx Slide 3.0 - Feather Gray, Iron & Liberty
Salomon Rx Slide 3.0Feather Gray, Iron & Liberty
$85 $60
30% off
Salomon ACS PRO - Falcon, Sugar Coral & Cement
Salomon ACS PRO - Falcon, Sugar Coral & Cement
Salomon ACS PROFalcon, Sugar Coral & Cement
$205 $113
45% off
Salomon XT-4 OG AURORA BOREALIS - Black, Prairie Sunset & Sugar Coral
Salomon XT-4 OG AURORA BOREALIS - Black, Prairie Sunset & Sugar Coral
Salomon XT-4 OG AURORA BOREALISBlack, Prairie Sunset & Sugar Coral
$220 $154
30% off
Salomon XT PU.RE ADVANCED - Vanilla Ice, Glacier Gray & Silver Reflective
Salomon XT PU.RE ADVANCED - Vanilla Ice, Glacier Gray & Silver Reflective
Salomon XT PU.RE ADVANCEDVanilla Ice, Glacier Gray & Silver Reflective
$225 $158
30% off
Salomon ACS PRO DESERT - Almond Milk, Cement & Falcon
Salomon ACS PRO DESERT - Almond Milk, Cement & Falcon
Salomon ACS PRO DESERTAlmond Milk, Cement & Falcon
$205 $133
35% off
Salomon XT-6 EXPANSE - Alfalfa, Shortbread & Aloe Wash
Salomon XT-6 EXPANSE - Alfalfa, Shortbread & Aloe Wash
Salomon XT-6 EXPANSEAlfalfa, Shortbread & Aloe Wash
$169 $127
25% off
Salomon X-ALP LTR - Vanilla Ice, Almond Buff & Banana Cream
Salomon X-ALP LTR - Vanilla Ice, Almond Buff & Banana Cream
Salomon X-ALP LTRVanilla Ice, Almond Buff & Banana Cream
$199 $119
40% off
Salomon RX MOC 3.0 SUEDE - Plum Kitten, Cork & Hazelnut
Salomon RX MOC 3.0 SUEDE - Plum Kitten, Cork & Hazelnut
Salomon RX MOC 3.0 SUEDEPlum Kitten, Cork & Hazelnut
$99 $64
35% off
Salomon XT-4 OG AURORA BOREALIS - Shortbread, Bird Of Paradise & Black
Salomon XT-4 OG AURORA BOREALIS - Shortbread, Bird Of Paradise & Black
Salomon XT-4 OG AURORA BOREALISShortbread, Bird Of Paradise & Black
$220 $165
25% off
Salomon XT-SLATE - Shortbread, Cloud Pink & Orchid Petal
Salomon XT-SLATE - Shortbread, Cloud Pink & Orchid Petal
Salomon XT-SLATEShortbread, Cloud Pink & Orchid Petal
$205 $144
30% off
Salomon XT-6 - Hazelnut, Quail & Living Coral
Salomon XT-6 - Hazelnut, Quail & Living Coral
Salomon XT-6Hazelnut, Quail & Living Coral
$185 $139
25% off
Salomon ACS PRO DESERT - Dark Earth, Caribou & Wren
Salomon ACS PRO DESERT - Dark Earth, Caribou & Wren
Salomon ACS PRO DESERTDark Earth, Caribou & Wren
$205 $133
35% off
Salomon XT PU.RE ADVANCED - White Pepper, Black & Falcon
Salomon XT PU.RE ADVANCED - White Pepper, Black & Falcon
Salomon XT PU.RE ADVANCEDWhite Pepper, Black & Falcon
$225 $146
35% off
Salomon XT-4 OG AURORA BOREALIS - Canteen, Transparent Yellow & Dried Herb
Salomon XT-4 OG AURORA BOREALIS - Canteen, Transparent Yellow & Dried Herb
Salomon XT-4 OG AURORA BOREALISCanteen, Transparent Yellow & Dried Herb
$220 $154
30% off
Salomon SPEEDCROSS 3 OG - Sulphur Spring, High Risk Red & Black
Salomon SPEEDCROSS 3 OG - Sulphur Spring, High Risk Red & Black
Salomon SPEEDCROSS 3 OGSulphur Spring, High Risk Red & Black
$145 $102
30% off
Salomon XT-6 EXPANSE SEASONAL - Natural, Cement & Plum Kitten
Salomon XT-6 EXPANSE SEASONAL - Natural, Cement & Plum Kitten
Salomon XT-6 EXPANSE SEASONALNatural, Cement & Plum Kitten
$169 $85
50% off
Salomon RX SLIDE 3.0 SUEDE - Tea, Alfalfa & Golden Fleece
Salomon RX SLIDE 3.0 SUEDE - Tea, Alfalfa & Golden Fleece
Salomon RX SLIDE 3.0 SUEDETea, Alfalfa & Golden Fleece
$85 $60
30% off
Salomon Globe Graphic SS Tee - White
Salomon Globe Graphic SS Tee - White
Salomon Globe Graphic SS TeeWhite
$55 $41
25% off
Salomon XT-4 OG AURORA BOREALIS - Southern Moss, Transparent Yellow & Deep Dive
Salomon XT-4 OG AURORA BOREALIS - Southern Moss, Transparent Yellow & Deep Dive
Salomon XT-4 OG AURORA BOREALISSouthern Moss, Transparent Yellow & Deep Dive
$199 $119
40% off
Salomon Globe Graphic SS Tee - Deep Black
Salomon Globe Graphic SS Tee - Deep Black
Salomon Globe Graphic SS TeeDeep Black
$55 $39
30% off
Salomon 11 by Boris Bidjan Saberi A.B.1 Pant - Deep Black
Salomon 11 by Boris Bidjan Saberi A.B.1 Pant - Deep Black
Salomon 11 by Boris Bidjan Saberi A.B.1 PantDeep Black
$365 $164
55% off
Salomon XT-4 OG TOPOGRAPHY - Black, Plum Kitten & Blue Bonnet
Salomon XT-4 OG TOPOGRAPHY - Black, Plum Kitten & Blue Bonnet
Salomon XT-4 OG TOPOGRAPHYBlack, Plum Kitten & Blue Bonnet
$189 $132
30% off
Salomon XT-6 - Magnet, Ashes Of Roses & Winter Pear
Salomon XT-6 - Magnet, Ashes Of Roses & Winter Pear
Salomon XT-6Magnet, Ashes Of Roses & Winter Pear
$185 $130
30% off
Salomon 11 by Boris Bidjan Saberi A.B.1 T-Shirt - Deep Black
Salomon 11 by Boris Bidjan Saberi A.B.1 T-Shirt - Deep Black
Salomon 11 by Boris Bidjan Saberi A.B.1 T-ShirtDeep Black
$225 $101
55% off
Salomon XT-4 OG - Taffy, Vanilla Ice & Blue Print
Salomon XT-4 OG - Taffy, Vanilla Ice & Blue Print
Salomon XT-4 OGTaffy, Vanilla Ice & Blue Print
$189 $123
35% off
Salomon XT-6 GTX - Black & Eden & Green Ash
Salomon XT-6 GTX - Black & Eden & Green Ash
Salomon XT-6 GTXBlack & Eden & Green Ash
$199 $159
20% off
Salomon XT-6 MINDFUL 2 - Falcon & Almond Milk & Bright Green
Salomon XT-6 MINDFUL 2 - Falcon & Almond Milk & Bright Green
Salomon XT-6 MINDFUL 2Falcon & Almond Milk & Bright Green
$185 $130
30% off
Salomon ACS PRO - Vanilla Ice, Lunar Rock & Tomato Cream
Salomon ACS PRO - Vanilla Ice, Lunar Rock & Tomato Cream
Salomon ACS PROVanilla Ice, Lunar Rock & Tomato Cream
$199 $149
25% off
Salomon XT-4 OG - White, Green Ash & Coral
Salomon XT-4 OG - White, Green Ash & Coral
Salomon XT-4 OGWhite, Green Ash & Coral
$189 $132
30% off
Salomon ACS Pro - White, Vanilla Ice & Lunar Rock
Salomon ACS Pro - White, Vanilla Ice & Lunar Rock
Salomon ACS ProWhite, Vanilla Ice & Lunar Rock
$205 $139
30% off