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Taking a highly modern stylistic approach, Matthew Williams continues to offer a razor sharp aesthetic with 1017 ALYX 9SM
Ushering in a new age of luxury menswear, Matthew Williams' 1017 ALYX 9SM continue to build their highly refined and precise style. Presenting an ecstatic and seamless blend of military influence, sportswear and classic luxury, a utilitarian sensibility is built around the juxtaposition of formal and streetwear-inspired garments and accessories.
At once elegant and severe, a cold appeal is used to promote a formal functionality and a sophisticated outlook. Blending streamlined black nylon fabrics with smooth leathers, chunky militaristic buckles offer security with a flourish of tactical efficacy. Primed with an aggressive boldness, 1017 ALYX 9SM showcase their unflinching DNA with pride. With nods to traditional tenants of luxury clothing, Williams' label provides an individualistic impression of the contemporary mindset.
Zeitgeist defining and unafraid of provocation, ALYX's essential qualities offer an ultra-refined commentary on modern times. Instrumental in the rise of the so-called "war-core" trend, with their chest rig bag offering a slimline version of a ballistic bag designed to store automatic rifle magazines, the label offer garments with a protective quality. Theorised as a reaction to increasing uncertainty in the wider world, geopolitical conflict and global warming, this protective inclination serves as a ballast against moments of turbulence.
Full of esoteric charm and a sleek sense of cool, Williams' label continues to celebrate the beauty of the practical. Ergonomically designed and tastefully rooted with a 90's elegance, ALYX offers the perfect twist on streetwear influenced luxury through a complete recontexualisation of what luxury truly is.
The 1017 ALYX 9SM SS19 collection is available online now at END.